About Our Podcast

The Cyber Riddler is a podcast that discusses interesting topics in the field of information security. It explores different areas and situations in real-life cyber security engagements and activities. Episodes feature guests from different backgrounds such as hackers, security analysts, cyber security managers, bug bounty hobbyists and more.

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For Cyber Security Folks

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Featured award-winning podcasts

Threat Hunting
March 26, 2024x
00:06:334.53 MB

Threat Hunting

In this episode, delve into the world of cyber security through the lens of expert threat hunters. As they navigate the complex digital landscape, these skilled professionals employ advanced techniques and tools to investigate systems meticulously. Their mission: to unearth hidden implants and payl...

Phishing World
February 06, 2024x
00:08:145.7 MB

Phishing World

In this episode of The Cyber Riddler, We dive into the cunning world of phishing scams, focusing on how Normal Users are reacting to these emails and how SOC (Security Operations Center) analysts can expertly analyze suspicious emails. We outline the essential tools and steps for dissecting emails,...

HTTPS and TLS Tales
December 30, 2023x
00:10:237.17 MB

HTTPS and TLS Tales

Explore the world of web security in our latest episode, 'HTTPS and TLS Tales' deep into the mechanisms that differentiate HTTPS from HTTP, uncovering the layers of encryption, authentication, and data integrity that safeguard our online interactions. From the pivotal role of TLS to real-...

Our Team

This is brought to you by these awesome people


Billy Graham


Charlie Brandt


Emma Jones


James Parker


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