The Cyber Riddler - Ransomware with Lance James
The Riddler LabMarch 22, 202300:59:05

The Cyber Riddler - Ransomware with Lance James

In this episode we talked about cryptography in general and then we dived into the world of ransomware starting from when ransomware approximately started and then we talked about ransomware tactic and delivery mechanisms , evasion techniques and then we talked about the zeppelin ransomware and how lance and his team were able to recover and reconstruct the keys by doing some RSA factorization and other interested techniques. the episode have a video too you can see the full episode on youtube on the link below. This episode is part of The Cyber Riddler podcast, Check out the other episodes on any of your favorite podcast apps just search the name "The Cyber Riddler". not all of the episodes are in YouTube. links below.

You can listen to this episode on the podcast website. or use any of your favorite podcast apps, just type "The Cyber Riddler"

Zeppelin article from Unit 221B

Lance James Linkedin

Unit221B website

Twitter: @almorabea
Twitter: @CyberRiddler
information security, ransomware, cryptography, crypto, cybersecurity, unit221b, lance james, infosec, apt groups, cyber crime, cyber gang, podcast,